Monday, February 25, 2013

Assignment 6: Rules of Composition

1. Impact

2. Cropping & 8. Use of Framing

3. Biggest, Boldest, Most Favorably Placed

4. KISS- Keep It Simple, Stupid!

5. Rule of Thirds

6. Leading Lines

7. Balance

9. Avoid Mergers

10. Room for Logical Movement

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Assignment Three: Headless Portraits

The assignment this week was to get a portrait of someone without showing their face. As they say, "Eyes are the window to the soul", but here we had to do what we could without!

Eastern Market,  rummaging through vintage ads 

Eastern Market Produce

In class we voted on our favorite, and the 2nd picture won. The symmetry is nice (and these pictures incidentally are related to next week's assignment)

Class favorite: The lighting is just right as to hide a lot of Joe's face and it highlights his hands and shoulders.

This picture cheats a little since you can see Leslie's face, but you can't see the fish's face!